Friday, March 13, 2015

Good advice on dealing with anxiety-the narcissist

Tips for Dealing with Anxiety the Narcissist

Thankfully, there are ways to deal with a narcissist in your life, even if that narcissist is anxiety. Here are a few:
  • Know what you’re dealing with: Just as there are different types of narcissists, there are different types of anxiety disorders. There are anxiety treatments that work for all anxiety in general, and there are other treatments that are specific to certain types of anxiety. Knowing about your own specific anxiety/anxieties can help you target it.
  • Make your life about younot the anxiety: Self-centered and commanding as it is, anxiety wants to be the focus of your world. Rather than letting it do so, turn your attention away from it. Begin to define what you want your life to be like (not simply “no anxiety” but instead what specific, positive things do you want in it). Determine what little steps you can take every day to walk away from anxiety and toward your real life.
  • Be realistic in expectations of timing: As a narcissist, anxiety won’t give up easily. It can have a strong hold and it loves it’s power. That said, anxiety isn’t you; it isn’t who you are. It is a controlling parasite that has latched on. When you continue to seek help for anxiety and build your toolbox of strategies to beat it, you will shake it loose.

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