Earthing is important to people recovering from degenerative diseases. The quilted pad is probably the best value and effective for bed, chair or even office.
Explore nine years of illuminating articles that sharply question what we know. Created to complement the Zimmermania YouTube channel, this blog explores the best of holistic medicine and daily practices. Come explore the many avenues to smarter living and higher consciousness. Welcome to Zimmermania Health.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
CBD Oil | Pain Management
David Banks provided the following link to a quality supplier of CBD Cannabis oil.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ
Saturday, November 19, 2016
The Invitation By Oriah Mountain Dreamer
The Invitation
By Oriah Mountain Dreamer
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dreams
for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life's betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your
fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me
is true.
I want to know if you can
disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see Beauty
even when it is not pretty
every day.
And if you can source your own life
from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure
yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon,
It doesn't interest me
to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair
weary and bruised to the bone
and do what needs to be done
to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
in the center of the fire
with me
and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom
you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
from the inside
when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone
with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
From her book, "The Invitation"
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
The Wisdom of George Carlin - Deconstructed
Apathy is an emotional convenience and also it is a strong indication that American values are fatigued to the point of clinical depression. We simply do not have the energy to care about each other as our emotional gas tanks are drained by confusing and largely irrelevant political drama, negative messages in media, music, and on the many screens we worship, we find we are undeniably in the midst of a culture that is not our friend.
When you look at the newest discoveries beyond metaphysics we start to understand the nature of evil in our culture. I'll go into this in another post or will pursue it here in this post later. But for now please examine your own capacity for criticism and look at your personal need to invite people into your world by asking them for their thoughts. Bill Zimmermann 10/30/2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
How To Pray In Power - Gregg Braden
Humans are always looking for ways to increase their advantage in any way possible. It's "monkey-think" or the reptilian brain functioning in survival mode. So what then is prayer? Is it a method people use to delude themselves into believing they have power over others or over nature? Or is it a mechanical device that actually does "move mountains" when correctly practiced. I'm always skeptical of that which can not be seen. However after 40 years of watching the sketchy but interesting results of what is now referred to as "the law of attraction" but was for me simply the information I got from the Jane Roberts Seth Material coupled with forty years of meditation and the intuition that came from it, I started to see that there was something mysterious when I was desperate sincere and direct in prayer. Something always moved in my favor. Not right away and not always in the exact way I wanted but the burdens were always lifted when though met feeling (emotion). Something ALWAYS moved. So I post these two videos to help clarify what this phenomenon actually is and how you can take advantage of it. I believe the Sumarian texts also support this and that we begin to see the human potential and possible power of these practices.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
DetoxingYour Body - With Dr. John Bergman (Huntington Beach CA)
I'd been waiting for a good video that helps us all to understand detoxification and why we should work it into our diet and supplement regimens. In this video Dr. Bergman discusses how to outsmart the radiation from Fukushima and so much more.
About Dr. Bergman
Dr. John Bergman is one of my favorite healers. His offices in Huntington Beach are one hour and fifteen minutes from San Diego and is worth a trip for almost any ailment or condition. His knowledge and perception of the human body is remarkable and inspired by his passion for truth and effective treatment. His love of people is apparent in his many videos that serve the world so profoundly. We are lucky to have such a physician close by. His YouTube Channel can be found here. It's a major online resource for good information on many physical and psychological conditions.
Dr. John Bergman is one of my favorite healers. His offices in Huntington Beach are one hour and fifteen minutes from San Diego and is worth a trip for almost any ailment or condition. His knowledge and perception of the human body is remarkable and inspired by his passion for truth and effective treatment. His love of people is apparent in his many videos that serve the world so profoundly. We are lucky to have such a physician close by. His YouTube Channel can be found here. It's a major online resource for good information on many physical and psychological conditions.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Quick Overview of the Types of Magnesium Supplements and which ones to avoid
The best forms of magnesium
Magnesium citrate -- Magnesium citrate is a more popular magnesium supplement, probably because it is inexpensive and easily absorbed. Since citric acid is a mild laxative, magnesium citrate functions as a constipation aid as well as a magnesium source. It is a great choice for individuals with rectal or colon problems but is unsuitable for those with loose bowel movements.
Magnesium taurate -- Magnesium taurate is the best choice of magnesium supplement for people with cardiovascular issues since it is known to prevent arrhythmias and guard the heart against damage caused by heart attacks. Magnesium taurate is easily absorbed (magnesium and taurine stabilize cell membranes together), and it contains no laxative properties.
Magnesium malate -- Magnesium malate is a fantastic choice for people suffering from fatigue, since malic acid -- a natural fruit acid present in most cells in the body -- is a vital component of enzymes that play a key role in ATP synthesis and energy production. Since the ionic bonds of magnesium and malic acid are easily broken, magnesium malate is also highly soluble.
Magnesium glycinate -- Magnesium glycinate (magnesium bound with glycine, a non-essential amino acid) is one of the most bioavailable and absorbable forms of magnesium, and also the least likely to induce diarrhea. It is the safest option for correcting a long-term deficiency.
Magnesium chloride -- Though magnesium chloride only contains around 12 percent elemental magnesium, it has an impressive absorption rate and is the best form of magnesium to take for detoxing the cells and tissues. Moreover, chloride (not to be confused with chlorine, the toxic gas) aids kidney function and can boost a sluggish metabolism.
Magnesium carbonate -- Magnesium carbonate is another popular, bioavailable form of magnesium that actually turns into magnesium chloride when it mixes with the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs. It is a good choice for people suffering from indigestion and acid reflux since it contains antacid properties.
The less preferred forms of magnesium
Magnesium oxide -- Magnesium oxide is the most common form of magnesium sold in pharmacies, but it is non-chelated and possesses a poor absorption rate compared to those listed above.
Magnesium sulfate -- Magnesium sulfate, also called Epsom salt, is a fantastic constipation aid but an unsafe source of dietary magnesium, since overdosing on it is easy.
Magnesium glutamate and aspartate -- Avoid these two forms of magnesium completely. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid are components of the dangerous artificial sweetener aspartame, and both of them become neurotoxic when unbound to other amino acids.
Friday, August 19, 2016
The Challenge of the Moment - Decisions that Rock
Right now. Did you see it? What you were doing, thinking or saying just then, a moment ago, when I said - "Right now"? Well, you missed out on a moment of change but fear not there are plenty more to come. Releasing the cultural brain freeze of lock-step hypnosis to living in the river of change is an exciting new habit of personal growth by experimenting with probable futures at any time you want. And if you can get interested in why this is so exciting you end up a big winner.
Think! For the next hour, try to challenge yourself in whatever you are currently doing. If you are at a public event go up to random people and try to start a conversation. If you are on the phone with a client try to listen better and use better logic and better diction to communicate a more thoughtful idea or solution. And if you are working out, go for more sets and reps than you might normally do.
If you make it fun you won't stop and will consciously shift reality to a bright future.
- Self Confidence: If you can beat a challenge, or attempt one, every day it makes you feel like you are making progress in life.
- “Limits” won’t hold you back anymore. Limitations are often only set by ourselves or people that have never attempted to break those limits.
- Every day is filled with new experiences for you. The most common regret people have is that they didn’t do something because they were afraid to do it. While challenging yourself means to be afraid for a while afterwards you had made something shift by forcing a small moment of your reality into a better probability by conscious force of will. The meaning of this must not be missed. To quell denial and avoidance is to eliminate the grinding wheels of constant regret for things that might have been. When we break the pattern of excuse-making and guilt we are guaranteed authentic personal growth and we experience empowerment as never before. It's always a surprise when life reflects rewards for good high integrity work back to us.
- Others will view you with respect and awe. When you challenging yourself successfully you will find others filled with a mixture of jealousy, admiration, respect, anger, inspiration, awe, hate, fear, and excitement towards you. All because you are doing what they are too afraid to do and that gets them pissed off at themselves immensely.
- You will feel more in control of your life. If you can challenge yourself, beat old limits and drop fear guilt and shame from your life, you will have every reason to be in control. After all: There is nothing to contest it anymore.
When you do these challenges be sure to do it no matter what. If you wimp out as soon as the alarm rings, or you make an excuse why you cannot challenge yourself right now, your life will not change. It only works if it is outside your comfort zone. But don't let that stop you. Anesthetize fear with combative phrases like "this is a piece of cake!" or "Nothing to it!" or get "Zen" in your own handy way ...and go for it. Yes, it does require you to step outside your comfort zone. But you will feel the difference at the end of every day, and a significant change in your life after just one week.
Try it for thirty days. The difference is astounding.
From Wimp to Braveheart - It's All in the Moment
Right now. Did you see it? What you were doing just now when I said - "Right now"? Well, you missed out on a moment of possible change but fear not there are plenty more opportunities to come. Releasing the cultural brain freeze of lock-step hypnosis and living in the river of change is an exciting new trend in personal growth. When we consciously challenge ourselves in the present we design our future. To find out why this is so exciting, stick around you might end up a big winner.
For the next hour, I try to challenge yourself in whatever you are currently doing. If you are at a public event go up to random people and try to start a conversation. If you are on the phone with a client try to listen better and use better logic and better diction to communicate a better idea or solution. And if you are working out, go for more sets and reps than you might normally do. Do something out of character or scary as often as possible to break the back of boredom sadness and the many forms of subtle depression that plagues our culture. Give value to anxiety by sparking your moments with new challenges rather than expending energy denying terminal regret. It takes some practice to master but coming up with new fun ways to handle moment to moment life. This is to wake up to possibility and to take the wheel to a bright future! If that is not fun what is?
If you make it fun you won't stop and will consciously shift reality to a bright future.
- Self Confidence: If you can beat a challenge, or attempt one, every day it makes you feel like you are making progress in life.
- “Limits” won’t hold you back anymore. Limitations are often only set by ourselves or people that have never attempted to break those limits.
- Every day is filled with new experiences for you. The most common regret people have is that they didn’t do something because they were afraid to do it. While challenging yourself means to be afraid for a while afterwards you had made something shift by forcing a small moment of your reality into a better probability by conscious force of will. The meaning of this must not be missed. To quell denial and avoidance is to eliminate the grinding wheels of constant regret for things that might have been. When we break the pattern of excuse-making we are guaranteed authentic personal growth and we experience empowerment as never before. It's always a surprise when life reflects rewards for good high integrity work back to us.
- Others will view you with respect and awe. When you challenging yourself successfully you will find others filled with a mixture of jealousy, admiration, respect, anger, inspiration, awe, hate, fear, and excitement towards you. All because you are doing what they are too afraid to do and that gets them pissed off at themselves immensely.
- You will feel more in control of your life. If you can challenge yourself, beat old limits and drop fear from your life, you will have every reason to be in control. After all: There is nothing to contest it anymore.
When you do these challenges be sure to do it no matter what. If you wimp out as soon as the alarm rings, or you make an excuse why you cannot challenge yourself right now, your life will not change. It only works if it is outside your comfort zone. But don't let that stop you. Anesthetize fear with combative phrases like "this is a piece of cake!" or "Nothing to it!" or get "Zen" in your own handy way ...and go for it. Yes, it does require you to step outside your comfort zone. But you will feel the difference at the end of every day, and a significant change in your life after just one week.
Try it for thirty days. The difference is astounding.
Monday, August 15, 2016
A Recent Experiment "The Week I Stopped Meditating"
I completed an experiment today. Last week I had been answering a lot of questions from people who had never experienced Transcendental Meditation. One smart gal wanted to know what it was like to practice for a long time, then stop for awhile, and then start again. I told her I had done this several times but that I would stop for a week and let her know. I did it ...and "let me tell you was PAINFUL!" I replied, not meditating for a week was just STRANGE. I got grouchy, sad depressed confused and I felt like I was not living my life. I felt plastic forced and socially inept by the fourth day. I had little genuine interest in my work or any sincere interest in the people around me. I felt as though I was just going through the motions. Mostly I felt old and TIRED. I heard from my YouTube channel subscribers "we do this (going through the motions) all the time - and that it is the way our lives have been for decades!" And these are just the people who are AWARE of that fact. Others display it so obviously that you can read it on their faces. You know them. Everyone does.
Once I sat down to meditate for 20 minutes today I found myself pulled into the meditation like gravity pulling a meteor to earth. I was like going down in an elevator and somebody cut the cable... completely out cold for twenty-four minutes with no sense of time for at least 15 minutes during which the pleasure of relief pervaded every cell of my being. It was the weight of the world coming off my shoulders, all stress released all at once and when I came out of meditation it was no longer the reality I knew just moments before. It was like being a new person or a person who experienced a massive shift. I ate lunch afterward and the food tasted five times better than a day ago. The same dish! Colors appeared brighter and my vision was much better. Gratitude came easily and selfish thoughts from before were gone - mostly because I was no longer in psychic PAIN! And I was no longer as tired and I did not feel old.
I can not tell you that you will have the same experience as me, but after 43 years of meditation, I can say it's highly unlikely you won't. There is something very special about the T.M. technique that sets it apart from other forms of meditation. It can't fix everything, but it takes a big ass bite out of psychic and emotional pain. And the body rests very deeply.
Yesterday I called the local T.M. Center in Mission Valley. The cost to learn the technique is down to $950 and if two people go to learn at the same time the second person is like $800. For financially challenged people there is a very generous program to drastically reduce the cost. I'm delighted by these new rates and believe the T.M. movement is gaining new momentum and life now that it is back on track in too many ways to discuss here. If you have any questions please email me.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
The Secrets to Intermittent Fasting: (in the process of being edited down for faster assimilation)
Partially edited: Thank you for your patience.
The Secrets to Intermittent Fasting:
How You Can Stay Healthy, Slow Down the Aging Process, and Have a Lot of Energy
By Malik Johnson
©Copyright 2016 WE CANT BE BEAT LLC
we’ll be looking at the 5:2 fast, the 24 hour Eat Stop Eat Fast
and the Warrior fast
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: An Introduction To Intermittent Fasting:
Chapter 2: The History of Intermittent Fasting: An Ancient Cure That Still Works Today!
Chapter 3: The Classic 5:2 Fast—Eat What You Want For Most Of Your Week And Still See Amazing Results!
Chapter 4: The 24 Hour Fast: “Eat Stop Eat” Your Way To A Better Body, With As Little As One Fast Day!
Chapter 5: The Warrior Fast: Eat Like An Ancient Warrior For An Unbeatable Body And Brain!
Chapter 6: 16/8:The Secret to Unstoppable Weight Loss, Incredible Health And Intense Energy
Chapter 7: Intermittent Fasting—Kiss Diabetes and Blood Glucose Disorders Goodbye!
Chapter 8: The Brain Boost—How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Improve Your Memory, Think More Clearly, and Protect Your
Brain From Disease And Depression
Chapter 9: Intermittent Fasting: Nature’s Secret To Turning Back The Clock And Aging Backwards!
Chapter 10:The Intermittent Fasting and Exercise Connection: Double Your Weight Loss, Enhance Anti-Aging, Fight Disease, and Sharpen Your Mind With These Simple Tips!
Conclusion: The Takeaway
Recipe Index
Chapter 1: An Introduction To Intermittent
Are you like millions of people out there who’ve tried numerous diets and wellness plans, from
low-calorie, to low-fat and high-carb, from extreme calorie restriction, to eating 6 frequent
meals, and found that despite all of the promises and the supposed “evidence”, each one was
just as ineffective as the last?
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
How To Save A Life: Performing the Heimlich Maneuver Properly
Dr. Stephen Dunlop at Hennepin County Medical Center reviews how to administer the maneuver:
• First, assess the situation.
“One of the most important things about choking, in general, is that if someone can cough and can make noise, the best thing to do is to encourage them to keep coughing,” he said. “If they look like they’re struggling, if they stop making noise, or if they start to change color, that would be the time to take action.”
• Tell someone to call 911. Time is of essence in choking emergencies.
• Stand directly behind the person, and let them know what you are doing so as not to increase feelings of panic.
• Take your dominant hand and make a fist. Place the thumb side of the fist halfway between the person’s belly button and sturnum. Then take your other hand and grab your own fist.
• Do firm, inward and upward thrusts with your hand to help dislodge the object that is blocking the person’s airway. Dunlop advises to start with moderate pressure, but if that isn’t working, get more aggressive to expel the food.
• Continue to perform the Heimlich maneuver until the situation is resolved or it changes. For example, if all of a sudden they’re moving air and are coughing again, then stop and let them keep coughing. Or if they become unconscious, lay them down and start chest compressions, he said.
While the Heimlich maneuver is effective, it generally should be avoided on young children and pregnant women, Dunlop said. He recommends using back slaps for kids when it is clear that their airway is blocked and chest compressions, akin to CPR, for pregnant women.
Heimlich invented the abdominal thrusting method for aiding choking victims in the 1970s. Although he has demonstrated it many times over the years — including famously on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” — he never had used it in a real emergency situation until last week.
The 96-year-old surgeon was sitting in the dining room of his Cincinatti senior living complex when he noticed a woman choking. He performed the method on the 87-year-old woman, who coughed up a piece of hamburger.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Forbidden Knowledge of Alchemy in Ancient Egypt
With fascinating comments from famed renegade to the status quo, Egyptologist John Anthony West:
The ancient Arabic name for Egypt was "Khemet" or "The Black Land". The western continuation of the Egyptian magical arts was called "Al-Khemet" meaning from the Black Land. The cradle of civilization is also the ancestral home of a Forbidden Knowledge of magic. We explore the many modern incarnations of the ancient science of perfection and the transformation of the "materia prima" of the Alchemists. From Alchemy to Tarot, and in the many modern\par esoteric and mystical societies existing today, we explore the hidden thread that connects modern and ancient magic. The occult idea that consciousness is the "materia prima". The coal that turns into a diamond. The lead that becomes gold.
Forbidden knowledge, which is different from secret knowledge, is used to describe forbidden books or other information to which access is restricted or deprecated for political or religious reasons. Forbidden knowledge is commonly not secret, rather a society or various institutions will use repressive mechanisms to either completely prevent the publication of information they find objectionable or dangerous (censorship), or failing that, to try to reduce the public's trust in such information (propaganda). Public repression can create paradoxical situation where the proscribed information is generally common knowledge but publicly citing it is disallowed.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
The Value of Vitamin K2 & How It Helps Vitamin D3
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is most well known for the important role it plays in blood clotting. However, vitamin K is also absolutely essential to building strong bones, preventing heart disease, and crucial part ofother bodily processes. In fact, vitamin K is sometimes referred to as "the forgotten vitamin" because its major benefits are often overlooked.Recent evidence suggestsvitamin K is an important adjunct to vitamin D, and if you are deficient in one, neither works optimally in your body. As you may already know, vitamin D is a key player in your overall health.
Wonders of Aloe Vera
If you’re having digestive issues – anything from irritable bowel syndrome to constipation to a simple sour stomach – try some fresh aloe vera juice. Drinking the juice on a regular basis also helps to heal gastrointestinal ulcers and alleviate chronic conditions like Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.
If you’re diabetic, you’ll be happy to hear that aloe vera juice has been shown to lower and stabilize fasting blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. And, many diabetics suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Aloe vera juice helps with that too, because it boosts blood circulation to the arms, hands, feet and legs. Aloe vera also helps prevent and treat candida (yeast) infections, another health condition that many diabetics experience.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Regaining Real Health and Personal Power in a World of Illusions
By Bill Zimmermann
The whole world of natural health and health products has turned into a dark, profit-based place built on email lists, ebooks, celebrities, gurus, conferences, summits, exotic overhyped products, and very clever advertising and packaging, where it’s only becoming more impossible to distinguish between the critical, the optional and the expensively useless, where charismatic, toxic gurus and celebrities are, with the absolute very best intentions, trying to fix and inform other toxic people, not knowing that they are only repeating the same cycle of toxicity, confusion, and misinformation to an unsuspecting public. As if big pharma and the cancer industry was not bad enough. We are, and we will keep missing the point, and suffering, until we look at that which is staring us in the face.
The fact is we take in far more toxins than our body can release. This is true for all people, all generations and all animal and living plants on earth today. It is true for our children and will be the a state of factual reality for generations to come.
Countless articles and books have been written on “detox” and cleansing. Very few of them can be helpful. Most of them however, are pure garbage, and are pure marketing and hype. Detoxification is a long-term, very demanding and challenging process that requires a lot of patience, time, study and hard work. You cannot, truly and thoroughly, detoxify your body, with green juices, a supplement, or a 14-day cleanse.
What I realized was this: many of the things we do, such as exercise and yoga, merely offer us a temporary relief from all the toxins we have in our bodies. Once these toxins are out, we really won’t feel the need to do these things. We’ll still benefit from them, but they won’t play nearly as much of a role as they do now.
Everyone living in the modern world, is toxic, and can benefit immensely from a proper detox. Unless you have been living on an island or in a jungle for most of your life, you have certainly been exposed to very high levels of toxins and pathogens radiation heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic, estrogens from plastics, pesticides, chemicals in the environment, parasites, yeast, viruses, mold, microbes, and deadly bacteria and EMF. Our immune system and our bodies can handle and detoxify small amounts of these toxins, but in this day and age the load is too high that the body is no longer able to keep up. Detoxification is as compulsory today as it is to take out the daily trash.
Nearly 100,000 chemicals or more, many of which are extremely toxic, have irresponsibly been introduced to the environment by seriously disturbed manufacturing facilities. In the past 100 years our bodies have not evolved at all. The bodies ability to detoxify such an overwhelming amount of toxicity is simply not possible given the overload we are exposed to every single day. The speed at which these toxins are being released is higher than the speed at which our bodies can evolve to handle them. So we must help the body. We must detox.
To illustrate this further many people appear perfectly healthy yet their bodies are host to millions of toxins and pathogens, yet their health and feeling of well being improves dramatically after detoxification. If you think your health is good now, your health can be greatly improved when the body is truly cleaned of these stubborn toxins.
The potential impact of effective detoxification on your life is so great that it can only be measured by how you feel and by a probable future where you simply do not get sick.
Our new website (Opening January 2017) focuses on the few best and most effective methods of detoxification. It will include all technologies from free home systems to elaborate multi layered systems as delivered by Northern Baja Gerson Center. The goal is prevent disease, assure health and give the soul-mind and body back their harmony and full potential. We aim to simplify five or six extreme, hard core top quality detoxification programs is to give the public trust worthy information that has been rigorously tested for credibility and organize the information into workable programs anybody can do at home in the privacy of their own space. What works passes, what is even the slightest fails and will be dismissed. We will offer several select programs, all with basic tenets (rules) that can be expanded upon. Basics work when people study our strategies and assemble daily routines around the simplified suggested programs. Programs that can be easily followed in a graduated format from simple (beginner) to intermediate (when more intense detox is required) and expert in the event of serious illness or when a need to purge toxins completely is desired.
We came to the realization that if we want to live an a world where 1 out of 60 children are no longer born autistic (FOR LIFE) we need to take control and simply clean house. It is suggested that supplements like iodine, taken during pregnancy reduce the probability of autism and many other disadvantages a developing child can experience in vitro. This is just one example of the many simple things we can do to move into a state of ultimate prevention by managing the internal landscape of our biology as it exists today and accepting the challenge of necessary detoxification as compulsory. It's like when we introduced seat belts and the catalytic converter in automobiles. The time had come when these were clearly necessary for public safety. It is the same scenario regarding the need for proper detoxification of the body.
I've come to realize that no government leader will ever develop the qualities of consciousness required to be aware of even the simplest concept of human dignity let alone acknowledge the real concerns regarding human health. Conscious advancement and peaceful progress through clean living IS THE FUTURE. Without it we have only despair. It is widely known that public figures and institutions like the FDA and the CDC lead politically dubious untrustworthy lives, they are hushed or silenced or fired when they do not comply with policies that are not at all in line with what people should know about their health and how to keep it. They are politically controlled, narrow and toxic people themselves. Ultimately they are dangerous to the general welfare of the people and of the planet. But that is their problem. We know the truth and can act independently of public policy by taking simple steps to protect our health and to turn the clock back better health without the approval of toxic policy makers. There is little or nothing we can do about government policy and media sales pitches (Dr. Oz, Oprah etc,) but we can study and learn. Our goal is to make that process easy for you by sifting through all the manusha and deliver the good stuff right to your computer.
Our primary goal is to first care for our personal health and our immediate environment. Then to maintain our career and the security of our families from the center out. Ultimately we extend our influence to friends acquaintances and with social media reach far and beyond, out into the world where our voice may be heard. This is our politics. This is how we influence the world.
Peace and love with a dash of reality and feasibility to you all.
Detoxing Heavy Metals with 5% Lugols Iodine
Supporting Nutrients for taking Iodine.
These are required to support the body while supplementing with iodine:
5,000 mgs / day
supports the symporters and assists as
an antioxidant to detoxing.
400 mcg / day
needed for detoxification and thyroid
hormone creatio
Unrefined salt (Celtic)
½ tsp / day
supports adrenals, binds to bromide and
assists in removal, s
upports symporters (sodium iodine symporters or NIS)
400 mgs / day
critical for over 300 enzyme reactions in the
ATP CoFactors
1 tablet 2x / day
when individuals continue to feel
fatigued or have autoimmune thyroid disease this product can assist in
increasing ATP (energy) within the cells. Riboflavin and no
flush niacin
Supporting Nutrients for taking Iodine.
These are required to support the body while supplementing with iodine:
5,000 mgs / day
supports the symporters and assists as
an antioxidant to detoxing.
400 mcg / day
needed for detoxification and thyroid
hormone creatio
Unrefined salt (Celtic)
½ tsp / day
supports adrenals, binds to bromide and
assists in removal, s
upports symporters (sodium iodine symporters or NIS)
400 mgs / day
critical for over 300 enzyme reactions in the
ATP CoFactors
1 tablet 2x / day
when individuals continue to feel
fatigued or have autoimmune thyroid disease this product can assist in
increasing ATP (energy) within the cells. Riboflavin and no
flush niacin
The best resource on the subject:
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Post Surgery Brain Fog in Seniors - A possible quick fix
A study published earlier this year discovered that general anesthesia can increase the risk of dementia and the development of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease when it’s administered to the elderly – by as much as 15%. Researchers concluded that preoperative evaluations must be taken to determine whether they should even have general anesthesia.
Another study showed the percentage of developing dementia was actually much higher – 35%. Researchers note that some anesthetics might trigger inflammation of neural tissues that lead to cognitive decline. This decline may not be fully realized until several years after the anesthesia was administered. Could a drug used to help kids focus assist seniors in recovery from surgery, anesthesia and the dull drums associated with the ageing process?
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Kombucha recipe
Kombucha recipe
You can make a Kombucha brew with sugar, tea and a culture (a symbiosis of bacteria and yeasts). Its taste can range from something similar to champagne (complete with a head of foam), a refreshing light wine through to strong apple cider vinegar, depending on the fermentation time, the amount of sugar and type of tea that you use in the brew. The older, tart tea is more acidic and has a higher level of healing properties than a young, mild and slightly sweet brew.
You need not be too concerned about using sugar in the recipe. In a strong, tart tea, brewed over 10-14 days, only 3% of the sugar remains. 97% of the sugar is consumed and converted by the culture.
Friday, May 13, 2016
I wrote this "short comment" below a YouTube video discussing Transcendental Meditation
Yes friends the Zimmermaniac has been meditating the Transcendental Meditation technique for 41 years. It has saved my life and made me whole. Not just pretty words! At age sixteen I was a colossal mess. A typical Greenwich Connecticut fuck-faced narcissistic self deceptive jerk. I was a materialistic, status seeking, money grubbing, republican racist with stress levels reaching that of Mad Men on a deadline. I was deeply traumatized by familial indifference, and incapacity to love even though they desperately wanted to. Victorian values slammed our home with propriety, perfectionism and workaholic alcoholism to destructive levels. To any on-looker our family seemed just fine. But it was not and I was on a fast track to very dark things. This is my T.M. story.
You know kids, knowledge only comes with study, but a technique like T.M. requires no study and sets us up to assimilate what view and learn to see more broadly into the connections between what is leaned and what we already know. T.M. expands the awareness of the entire mind. We literally see, witness and absorb more from our senses. Colors are brighter, patterns are sharper. It's like getting a hi definition TV upgrade. T.M. occasionally has a down-side that is not politically correct to discuss. One, in my educated opinion, must take a break from T.M. after a year or so. It is very powerful and can create depression and anxiety conditions by entering the Absolute too often. Each individual can evolve only as much as his or her mind will allow. If we push the mind/soul too hard with too much T.M. it can create neurosis, depression and anxiety conditions. However it does not mean T.M. becomes useless. Nothing could be further from the truth.
You know kids, knowledge only comes with study, but a technique like T.M. requires no study and sets us up to assimilate what view and learn to see more broadly into the connections between what is leaned and what we already know. T.M. expands the awareness of the entire mind. We literally see, witness and absorb more from our senses. Colors are brighter, patterns are sharper. It's like getting a hi definition TV upgrade. T.M. occasionally has a down-side that is not politically correct to discuss. One, in my educated opinion, must take a break from T.M. after a year or so. It is very powerful and can create depression and anxiety conditions by entering the Absolute too often. Each individual can evolve only as much as his or her mind will allow. If we push the mind/soul too hard with too much T.M. it can create neurosis, depression and anxiety conditions. However it does not mean T.M. becomes useless. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Veganism Sucks
7 Things That Are LIkely To Happen When You Stop Eating Meat
When I gave up meat in 2009 to do the Gerson Therapy for seventeen really fucked up health issues I had no idea what I was in for. I did not get the skyrocketing energy levels promised, I did not get the not so painless weight loss promised and ironically I did not get the "newly found feeling of joy and happiness" as is reported by so many new Vegans. They say that these are just some of the things you experience (read about it) but the benefits, as fucking strange as it may sound are sadly undeniable.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Making Vitamin K2 at Home. Naturally.
From Dr. How Much Vitamin K2 Should You Consume?
You can obtain all of the vitamin K2 you need (about 200 micrograms) by eating 15 grams of natto daily, which is half an ounce. It's a small amount and very inexpensive, but many Westerners do not enjoy the taste and texture.
If you don't care for the taste of natto, the next best thing is a high-quality K2 supplement. Remember, you must always take your vitamin K supplement with fat since it is fat-soluble and won't be absorbed without it.Although the exact dosing is yet to be determined, Dr. Vermeer recommends between 45 mcg and 185 mcg daily for adults. You must use caution on the higher doses if you take anticoagulants, but if you are generally healthy and not on these types of medications, I suggest 150 mcg daily.
Making Natto at home in a nut shell.
It is not that difficult to successfully home brew Natto once you understand the absolute minimum requirements.
Temperature – This is the most critical factor in making Natto and any fermenter will probably agree. During the fermentation cycle, the temperature of Natto should be kept in the range between 38 – 45 C (100-113 degrees F). While many “How To” documents says around 40 (104 F), it is OK to keep it higher. Important is not to get below 38 degrees. However, if you keep it too high (more than 45 C), your Natto will be less sticky.
Time – Fermentation process should take approximately 24 hours. However, this is definitely experimental. I have tried to brew it for up to 48 hours and it all worked with slightly different results.
Aging – While you can eat the beans any time, for the better experience, age Natto for at least 24 hours in the fridge.
Soybeans – Use organic and Non GMO soybeans. Actually, this should be the number one rule and I think you know why.
Natto-kin (Starter) – Make sure that you have very active Natto-kin available.
It is not that difficult to successfully home brew Natto once you understand the absolute minimum requirements.
Temperature – This is the most critical factor in making Natto and any fermenter will probably agree. During the fermentation cycle, the temperature of Natto should be kept in the range between 38 – 45 C (100-113 degrees F). While many “How To” documents says around 40 (104 F), it is OK to keep it higher. Important is not to get below 38 degrees. However, if you keep it too high (more than 45 C), your Natto will be less sticky.
Time – Fermentation process should take approximately 24 hours. However, this is definitely experimental. I have tried to brew it for up to 48 hours and it all worked with slightly different results.
Aging – While you can eat the beans any time, for the better experience, age Natto for at least 24 hours in the fridge.
Soybeans – Use organic and Non GMO soybeans. Actually, this should be the number one rule and I think you know why.
Natto-kin (Starter) – Make sure that you have very active Natto-kin available.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Bergman takes the fear out of cancer (It just does not get better than this)
Dr. John Bergman delivers an epic talk on cancer. He educates, and gives perspective on this very misunderstood thing called "cancer." Called the "C-word," Americans have been conditioned to fear cancer as though it were some kind of terminal disease! Well I'm waiting for that smirk of WTF on your face. Ahhh... there it is. Well cancer isn't some kind of terminal disease. What's terminal is your immune system ALLOWING cancer cells to go rogue. We all have cancer in our bodies, and most folks over 50 have tumors somewhere in their body but a healthy immune system keeps it all in check. So don't think of cancer as the enemy or something that you have to fight, beat or kill. Cancer cells are part of our internal landscape without which we would be very unnatural biological entities. While they never may become your best friends thinking of cancer cells to be unusual or slightly different neighbors that need to be watched might be a better approach. Check out John in this excellent video.